Independant Confident Persistant Passionate Considerate Hopeful

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Two important aspects of the new YCJA:

1.) One aspect of the Youth Criminal Justice Act is it's focus is more on rehabilitation rather than on punishment.

2.)Also, the identities of the youth are protected with a "publicity ban."

My opinion on the "new balance" in the law:

I really like the balance in the new legislation. I think that it is important than young offenders are treated their age, but they still are forced to understand the rules of society and that they must learn how to follow them. I like how the new legislation has introduced "rehabilitation". It's critical for youth to NOT be involved with older adults in jail. When you are young and make "dumb" mistakes, you should still have a chance to change yourself. Young offenders are often mostly influenced by people their age and are pressured into doing things. If you are an adult criminal, that is not likely what will influence you to commit a crime. Still, at the same time, the balance protects the identity of young criminals. Which is also good because it respects their reputation.


At 9:08 AM, Blogger mrstathers said...

Good detail, but missing 2 entries. Mark is 3 and 1/2 out of 5.



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